Saffi Squirrel: Alessi’s Pot of Gold (Book 3)
Saffi Squirrel: Alessi’s Pot of Gold (Book 3)
Alessi’s Pot of Gold
All of us, adults and children alike, are blessed with many talents, skills, interests, and the capacity to learn and grow. More than being aware of these, it is important for us to know how to best use them. Alessi’s Pot of Gold shares the value of creativity and abundance. It explores the concept of what a ‘pot of gold’ really means and using it to unlock so many avenues of earning money. Whoever said we can only have one source of income anyway?
About the Colletion
Saffi Squirrel aims to empower families with the foundational principles of financial literacy. Teaching and imparting these money-saving habits will be useful for children as they grow older.
Through this, we collaborate with Big People to speak a shared language of financial literacy. In the process, we may inspire a change in their own current mindsets on money management, while teaching and imparting a new perspective to their kids.
Meet the Saffi Squad, Mattina, Renée, Alessi, Basti and Rafael, in their Money Smart adventures with Saffi Squirrel!